September 2012

 Say Whut

Welcome(back) to my new(old) website! After a two year hiatus and the onset of post apocOlympic depression – it is definitely time to get back in the game, metaphorically speaking.

September always feels like the right month for a comeback – for me it was always the time for unveiling a brave *diy* hair choice, snappy new shoes and a Braaand.New.Pencil.Case. These days the September fashion weeks are pretty much the same drill, with better pencil cases. 

Anyways, being a serial hoarder and somewhat of a vintage buff – my life revolves around comebacks and I have high hopes for this one.  Feel free to drop me a line, follow me on twitter, facebook, pinterest or even around Sainsburys.

***2nd best comeback of 2012***

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Posted - September 07, 2012

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Posted - March 22, 2012